Who Am I?

Good Question. Born and raised in South-Central Idaho. I guess I’m a spiritually grounded husband of one, father of four and grandfather of several who picked a camera back up years ago as an excuse to wander and recharge with the energies nature and solitude generate.
Several tests I’ve participated in over the years have labeled me as left-brained, introvert, attention deficient, amiable … adding words like intellection, empathy, adaptability, relator, responsibility and developer. I’m kind of allergic to labels, lists and definitions (as well as loud, crowd and complicated) so rather than being a practiced introvert with a non-existent attention span, I think of myself as a

Silent Wanderer

No Remote Required

Nature’s IMAX screen allows you to expose yourself to the positive energies and fresh air inherit to open spaces. You can recharge YOUR batteries instead of searching for one in the drawer so you can change the channel. AND … you can trust the program director.

I find that ‘the journey’ can be hard but it’s usually because we’ve made it so. Stop … listen … smile. The destination is always just around the corner … its the journey itself we need to focus on. It’s an amazing path if we let it be.

It takes the right kind of effort for me to truly leave the chaos and be present in a place, a moment or for someone.

I have accepted the fact that I have allergic reactions to a few things; primarily LOUD, CROWDS and COMPLICATED. Add the distracted nature of my mind in a world full of squirrels it is truly hard for me to truly and restfully present in a moment of place. I find SOLITUDE and NATURE are critical in achieving this state. I also believe that the secret to being anything but tired in this world is slowing down and time (or actually forgetting about the whole ‘time’ thing.

I find the morning voices are the clearest

The world gets louder as the day progresses

Rocks and trees … ponds and peaks hold a lot of wisdom

They can teach you if you let them.